Does Your Business Need A Blog?

Blogs have defied early online expert skepticism and have grown into a valuable and versatile online channel of information. The stability of blog service platforms, for example WordPress and Blogspot, have made blogging almost as simple as word processing, with graphics, video, and search engine optimization tools all available on easy to navigate control consoles.

Given the freely available and easy to use nature of the modern blog, a lot of ecommerce business owners feel compelled – even obligated – to invest in a blog for their business. Yet as easy as they are to build and use, the blog is in many ways a living organism that needs nurturing and more or less constant supervision. For a blog’s traffic to continue to build and thrive, the blog needs consistent and relatively constant content updates.

Your Audience Is Your Customers

The blog food chain works like this: online users come to your business blog in search of information, either from a search engine or online directory. While reading the content, they are exposed to links or banner ads for your ecommerce business, possibly following the link to your online storefront. If we picture the Internet as a city street, the blog is the sandwich board outside your store, attracting attention and luring potential customers inside.

Blogging works very well in that regard – statistics show it’s among the most potent online and SEO marketing tools – but only to the extent that you’re willing to keep working it for results. To build an audience, blogs need a stream of fresh content delivered on a regular basis. Without such contents, much like a plant without water the blog traffic will drop off and eventually cease.

On the other hand, building and refreshing blog content is fairly easy, thanks to online directories and databases such as and There are dozens of such sites available online.

Focus On The Front End

Outsourcing your order fulfillment and logistics management needs to a third party fulfillment service company allows you to focus on front end operations such as blogging, developing social media tools, and enhancing your online business’ search engine footprint. These services handle your warehousing, order fulfillment, processing, shipping, and shipment tracking duties for you, often for a share in the profits made by each product sold on your behalf. For smaller and home based businesses, access to such expert and efficient logistics management can quickly add up to true savings.
